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Priscilla and the Sandman (Audiobook)


13 minutes 46 seconds
In this audiobook there are three voice-actors playing the characters of the Sandman, Priscilla, and her mom.  Produced by Oliver Wagner, the music is beautifully composed and synthesized to give the listener a calming dreamy state.  It’s a great book before bed or as they are being tucked in at night.
Categories: , Tags: , , , , , , , , Product ID: 2170


About the book:
After not wanting to go to bed night after night, Priscilla is told about the Sandman from her mother. At the turn of a page, she is visited by Mr. Sandman- an adorable, upright walking cat. With her stuffed toy Rabbit, the three of them wander off through the field of dreams toward the land of sweets. Priscilla learns that going to bed and having dreams can be more than exciting, it can be magical.